Supply Chain Transparency Resources
While the construction materials supply chain is in early days of moving toward the slavery-free ethos called for in Design for Freedom Movement, there are currently several existing certifications or reporting mechanisms that may shed light onto modern slavery risk. None of these are full-on certifications that a product is “slavery-free” – such a certification would likely not withstand close scrutiny as research has shown the limitations of industry-led certifications, processes, and multi-stakeholder initiatives as opposed to worker-driven. But certifications, certificate programs, processes, rankings, benchmarks, or initiatives can be a starting point for obtaining insights into one’s supply chain. In coming years, additional tools will hopefully give greater visibility further down the chain, with more specificity as to individual products.
Inclusion of a certification, certificate, process, program, ranking, benchmark, or initiative is for informational purposes; it does not signify endorsement by Grace Farms Foundation.
American Tree Farm System
B Corp
BES 6001: Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products
BES 6002: Ethical Labour Sourcing Standard
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
Cradle to Cradle Product Certification
Fair Labor Association Accreditation
Fair Stone
Fair Trade USA Certified 2.0
Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Certificate, by FAST and ACAMS
Forest Stewardship Council Certification: Chain of Custody Certification
Forest Stewardship Council Certification: Forest Management Certification
Global Green Tag International MSD
Global Impact Sourcing Coalition: Impact Sourcing Standard
Global Recycle Standard 4.0
Global Sustainable Enterprise System (Standard)
International Tin Supply Chain Initiative
IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining STD 001
KnowTheChain Benchmark Methodology
PEFC ST 1003:2018: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC): Sustainable Forest Management
PEFC ST 2003:2020: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC): International Chain of Custody Standard
Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard
Responsible Business Self-Assessment and Risk
Responsible Minerals Initiative
Responsible Steel
SA8000 Standard Certification
Social LCA using Social Hotspots Database in SimaPro
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
TCO Certified
TISC Report
UN Global Compact Self-Assessment tool
XertifX Standard-Label
Governmental and Non-Governmental Reports
Global Slavery Index
The List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced
Labor, U.S. Department of Labor
Trafficking in Persons Report (U.S.)