About Design for Freedom

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  • About Design for Freedom

Construction is the #1 industrial sector at risk of forced labor. Every day, materials that are made with forced labor make their way into our buildings, homes, and landscapes.

The Design for Freedom movement is mobilizing the full ecosystem of architectural, engineering, and construction professionals to eliminate forced labor in the building materials supply chain, create true market transformation, and build a more equitable future.

Learn More:

Tools for Industry Professionals

Design for Freedom Report

download the report to understand the scope of this largely invisible crisis

Design for Freedom Toolkit

a comprehensive resource for design and construction professionals to implement ethical, forced labor-free materials sourcing strategies into their practices


including industry reports, highlights, tools, and resources

Equipping the Next Generation

More than two dozen universities and colleges have engaged with Design for Freedom through dedicated courses, presentations, visits to Grace Farms, and more.

Building Pilot Projects with Partners Worldwide

Pilot Project teams accelerate the movement by raising awareness of the pressing humanitarian issue of forced labor in the building materials supply chain. Together, Grace Farms Foundation and these Pilot Projects are initializing transparent and forced labor free supply chains and demonstrating design principles in action by creating a tangible example of a more humane built environment.

Creating Action Across Industries

Join the leaders and innovators of the global and collaborative Design for Freedom movement.

Ethically and Sustainably Sourced Teas & Coffees

Grace Farms Tea & Coffee

Grace Farms Tea & Coffee, a Certified B Corp giving back 100% of their profits to support Design for Freedom, engages the public with the Design for Freedom movement. Every sip of Grace Farms Tea & Coffee offers an opportunity to share in our vision for a world free of forced labor and to demonstrate and educate about ethical and sustainable supply chains.